Sunday, October 22, 2006

Chris Masters - A Cowardly Act!

Alan Jones

Disgusted! Outraged! My immediate response to the article in the Sydney Morning Herald entitled, "Demons That Drive Alan Jones". This, the first of a three-part review of Chris Masters' biased biography on Australia's top broadcaster, is nothing less than a vicious, evil and cowardly campaign to 'out' Jones. From the start, it seems clear that Jones' purported sexuality is to be used against him.

Jones may have made some enemies along his remarkable route to success, but it is true to say that he has earned many more friends, tremendous and wide-ranging support, and respect for championing the causes for many Australians. Most recently, Jones took up the battle for elderly and ill war veterans, who were to be moved out of their unit complex in Sydney, so that the property could be sold. After taking a pounding from Jones, the Federal Veterans Affairs Minister, Bruce Billson, and the Federal Government finally gave in, and offered an interest-free loan so that those veterans wanting to stay in the units could do so.

Why has Masters embarked on such a crusade? To bring Jones down? ... it appears so, given its viciousness. There is little doubt that Masters and Jones' don't hold the same political views. Instead of taking Jones to task on issues that he and Masters may disagree about, however, Masters has resorted to "playing the man" by focusing on Jones' supposed private sexuality, and to exposing this under the guise of a biography. This is Masters' cowardly weapon of choice. Who knows if supporters of the left-wing Evatt Foundation (a group who suggest they stand for human rights) had a role to play?

I don't understand why certain members of the media feel they have the right to make allegations about something as private as an individual's sexual orientation. Whether Jones is heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual, has nothing to do with anyone else, unless any act happens to be an infringement of our laws and has a direct bearing on the safety of someone else.

It is bizarre and sickening that an RMIT University article on the Internet, uses this finger-down-your-throat description of Masters: "fits the stereotype of the noble investigative journalist". Rubbish! Masters' book, as reflected in the Herald extracts, is hardly noble investigative journalism. It is gutter journalism at best!

Masters is not the only one who needs to be taken to task here. David Marr, known for his effeminate, pretentious style, is another arrogant left-wing journalist, who has contributed to the attack on Jones. Then there's Alan Oakley, Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. Of course, one cannot forget the publishers of the book 'Jonestown', Allen & Unwin. Patrick Gallagher is their Executive Chairman and Publishing Director, while Paul Donovan is the Managing Director. They are all tied to an unethical, sick attempt to 'out' what they believe is Jones' sexual preference. This IS wrong, and now surely makes them fair game too.

Oh yes, Chris Masters is married. His wife "has been a terrific support" to him. I would guess she never considered telling her husband that he was stepping over the line. She's a psychologist, and should fully understand the ramifications of her husband's actions. Tell you what, if I ever needed a counsellor I would give her a wide berth.

Regardless of how l feel, there is probably little that will repair the damage done by this despicable act. Perhaps it is time that these 'gutter journalists' had something about them revealed. What skeletons do Masters, Marr and Oakley have in their closet? While I am vehemently opposed to what has occurred, I wonder how Masters, Marr, and Oakley would handle their private lives coming under the same degree of scrutiny.

I'll probably read 'Jonestown' at some point; I'm only likely to 'borrow' the book from a bookshop and then return it, because I sure-as-hell would never give this abhorrent creep, Masters, the pleasure of earning one cent from me.

I don't know Jones personally, and I'm not always in agreement with him, but he sure DOESN'T deserve this. Shame on you, Masters!

Note: Over a week ago, I emailed my views to another blogger, 'Modia Minotaur', in relation to an article he wrote about Alan Jones' biography being scrapped. My comments were in direct opposition to three comments that "Modia Minotaur' allowed to be posted on his blog here. My comments have not been published, while he allowed the three comments referring to Alan Jones being 'homosexual' to remain posted on his blog. My question is, where is the balance? Obviously none, and obviously because 'Modia Minotaur' thinks it's okay to ridicule someone because of what they perceive may be someone's sexuality.
Addition 15/12/2006: My comments have now been added to the others.

Here's a brilliant piece of writing by Michael Kiely. If you don't read anything else, read this.

Addition:(1/12/2006) While my political leanings are not to the left, I was glad to see MrLefty felt the same. I am only too happy to link to someone who, in this instance, is sensible.


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